New content:
1. New hero - Shuriken Ace
2. New set of glyphs - Birthday wishes
3. New hero costume:
Demon Slayer - Heavenly Warhammer
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
Various optimizations.
Various optimizations.
Optimized content:
1. Updates on events and rewards.
2. Various optimizations.
Optimized content:
1. Updates on events and rewards.
2. Various optimizations.
New features:
1. New glyph - Burning Campfire;
2. New currency - Gold Bars; Gold bars can be used to purchase all the game's value-added services, including passes, Jewels, item packs, etc.
3. New hero costume;
Spiritual Controller Costume - Thanksgiving
Fairy Shadow Beast Costume - Christmas Lion
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Various optimizations
New Features:
1. New Hero – Holy Warrior
2. New Hero Costume:
Fox Costume – Dazzling Enchantress
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Rankings cannot be viewed during Lordlympia’s ascension
3. Various optimizations
New Content:
1. New Glyph - Deadly Vortex;
2. New Nebula Slots - Each hero gains 3 additional Nebula Slots;
3. New hero costume;
Archer Ranger Costume - Ancient Descendant
Fearless Boxer Costume - Scarlet Witch
Optimized Content
1. Optimized event rewards;
2. Optimization of other experiences and feature details.
New Content:
1. New Glyph - Deadly Vortex;
2. New Nebula Slots - Each hero gains 3 additional Nebula Slots;
3. New hero costume;
Archer Ranger Costume - Ancient Descendant
Fearless Boxer Costume - Scarlet Witch
Optimized Content
1. Optimized event rewards;
2. Optimization of other experiences and feature details.
New features:
1. New hero - Duelist Rose
2. New hero costume:
Marine Guardian
1. Adjustment of event rewards
2. Various optimizations
New Content:
1. New Equipment - Ocean Pendant
2. New Glyph Set - Eternal Love 3. New Proud Sky Galaxy Hunter Mecha
Hero Costumes Optimizations: 1. Adjusted event rewards 2. Various optimizations This version brings improvements: - in the list of articles - adds zooming on photos within articles Your opinions are valuable to us, continue to write to us at The Mobile team New features in this version: - Update of the new Deezer logo in the Radio France application; - Various bug fixes (notably background application shutdowns on Android 14). And always with Radio France: listen to all the radio from France Inter, France Info, France Bleu, France Culture, France Musique, FIP and Mouv' live on the radio and in podcasts. Thanks for using My inwi! Several improvements have been made to this version to offer you a better user experience. Welcome, we have made various improvements and corrections to make it easier to manage your accounts on a daily basis. If you have any comments or remarks, do not hesitate to let us know on the store. And above all, if you like our app, rate it! Improved customer experience In this version, you will be able to find the history of your applications. We also fix some bugs. Thank you again for your comments, they are valuable in improving your experience and that of other candidates. Send us an email to, we read all your messages! The Doctolib app continues to improve! We are constantly working on developing new features and improving the Doctolib application. This week we released a new version of the app. This includes some minor changes which are not visible to the user, but which help to make the application better. Thank you for using Doctolib!
New Features:
1. New Hero - Unicorn
2. Improved Spirit Companion skill - Force Barrier
3. New Hero Costume:
Ranger Archer - Star Piercer
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Various optimizations
New Features:
1. New Hero - Unicorn
2. Spirit Companion Skill Improvement - Force Barrier
3. New Hero Costume:
Ranger Archer - Star Piercer
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Various optimizations
New features:
1. New hero - Unicorn
2. Improved Spirit Companion skill - Force Barrier
3. New hero costume:
Ranger Archer - Starpiercer
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Various optimizations
New Content:
1. New Equipment - Mystic Boots
2. New Glyph Set - True Love
3. New Hero Costumes
Bellaboom - Flourishing Dawn
Fearless Boxer - Darling Duelist
Puppeteer - Spring Maiden
1. Puzzle event changes
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New content:
1.New hero - Spirit Controller
2.Skill improvement: Improved Barrage
1.Mail optimization
2.Event rewards adjustment
3.Various optimizations and bug fixes
New Content:
1. New Equipment – Demon Cloak
2. New Glyph Set – Deadly Guard (Thanksgiving Glyphs)
3. New Hero Costumes:
Arcane Caster – Turkey Wizard
Enchantress – Magic Tutor
Reigndeer Officer – Head of the mafia
1. Optimized Infernal Treasure
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New Content:
1. New Equipment – Demon Cloak
2. New Glyph Set – Deadly Guard (Thanksgiving Glyphs)
3. New Hero Costumes:
Arcane Caster – Turkey Wizard
Enchantress – Magic Tutor
Reigndeer Officer – Head of the mafia
1. Optimized Infernal Treasure
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New Content:
1. New Hero: Lone Shooter
2. Skill Enhancement: Fierce Duel+
3. Skill Enhancement: Puppet Assault+
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Various optimizations
New Content:
1. New Glyphs - Refreshing Summer
2. New Costume - Purple Raksha
3. New Costume - Fleeting Rose
1. Increased the maximum number of glyphs that can be equipped on all heroes to 650
2. Optimized Arachne Divine Skill
3. Various optimizations
New Content:
1. New Hero: Puppeteer
2. New Costume: Twilight Captain
3. New Solo Campaign Stages
1. Adjusted Event Rewards
2. Increased Hero Level Cap
3. Adjusted Battle Royale Stages
4 Various optimizations
New features:
1. New glyphs
2. New costumes
3. New single player campaign levels
1. Adjusted event rewards
2. Various optimizations
1. New Hero: Fearless Boxer
2. New Pack (triggerable)
1. Jewel shop
2. Event rewards
3. Other features and details
New content:
1. New Glyph Set: Christmas Holidays
2. New limited packs.
3. Added Campaign Clash - Hard
4. Added Hero Chronicles.
5. Added skill enhancement (Enchantment interface) for Lightning Wing and Bellaboom.
1. Guild boss optimized.
2. Optimized Ancient Relic and Spell Borders.
New Features:
1. New Event: Dominoblocks
2. New Feature: Auto Success.
3. New Hero: Lightning Wing
1. Added a button to check battle reports in Guild Clash and increased the number of videos in Guild Clash that can be saved to 30.
2. Added a jump button in Hero Trial The results will be calculated by tapping on it.
3. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
1. New function - Prime ranking
2. New system - Scientific center
3. New glyphs - Rock Set
1. Adjusted rewards for Grand Arena, Arena, and more.
2. Optimized the equipment upgrade function.
3. Other bug fixes and improvements.
1. New Feature - Bounty Ranking
2. New System - Science Center
3. New Glyphs - Rock Set
1. Adjusted rewards for Grand Arena, Arena, and more.
2. Optimized the equipment upgrade function.
3. Other bug fixes and improvements.
New :
1. New Gameplay — Grand Arena
2. New Event — Daily Leaderboard
3. New Equipment — Siphoning Sphere
4. New Hero Skin - Type-0 Battle Armor
1. Adjusted rewards in Colosseum, Arena, etc.
2. Optimization of other functional experiences and details.
1. New Gameplay — Grand Arena
2. New Event — Daily Leaderboard
3. New Equipment — Siphoning Sphere
4. New Hero Skin - Type-0 Battle Armor
1. Adjusted rewards in Colosseum, Arena, etc. .
2. Optimization of other functional experiences and details.
New features:
1. New hero: Bellaboom
2. New rune: Summer party
3. You can now copy formations.
Others: 1. Features optimized for beginners.
2. Adjusted rewards for Coliseum and Arena.
3. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New features:
1. New hero: Ranger Archer
2. Official features related to the Discord community account
3. Rewards exchange function
4. New Hero Costume: Pan Goli: Sentinel Gashapon
1. Adjusted Coliseum and Arena rewards.
2. Other bug fixes and improvements.
New Features:
1. New Hero: Shadow Beast.
2. Added Event: Anniversary Slots
3. New Hero Costumes:
Officer Reigndeer: Maestro
Nightmare of Morpheus: Master of Stars
Foxie: Crystal Rose
1. Colosseum and Arena rewards adjusted .
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New Features:
1. New Hero: Shadow Beast.
2. Added Event: Anniversary Slots
3. New Hero Costumes:
Officer Reigndeer: Maestro
Nightmare of Morpheus: Star Master
Foxie: Crystal Rose
1. Colosseum and Arena rewards adjusted.
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New Features:
1. New Hero: Samurai Warrior
2. Added Foxie Enhancement Skill.
3. Optimized Lordlympia games. During Lordlympia Ascension, players will only be able to see their own guild's ranking and points.
4. New Hero Costumes:
Djinni: Heart Catcher
Sapphirix: Flame Wings
1. Infernal Outfit Chests and Shop adjustments.
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New Features:
1. New Hero: Foxie
2. New Event: The Christmas Star
3. New Event: Reunion of Friends
4. New Hero Costumes:
- The Berseker: Santa Claus
- Tide Guardian: Steel Determination
- Shooting Star: Holiday Star
1. Adjusted items sold at the Combat Mall and Gear Shop.
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations
New Features:
1. Functionality to link the IGG account
2. Summer themed glyph set
3. Anima Lass skill enhancement: Enchanted Hammer
4. New Hero Costumes:
Pyriel: Angle Heart Seeker
Chiron: Thief of
Grand Sage stars : Savage Shooter
1. Despot Custodian optimizations
2. Combat Shop item adjustments
3. Adjustments in the Alchemy Workshop
4. Other bug fixes and optimizations
New Features:
1. Functionality to link IGG account
2. Summer themed glyph set
3. Anima Lass skill enhancement: Enchanted Hammer
4. New Hero Costumes:
Pyriel: Heart Seeker Angle
Chiron: Star Stealer
Grand Sage: Savage Shooter
1. Despot Custodian Upgrades
2. Battle Shop Item
Adjustments 3. Battle Shop Adjustments Alchemy
4. Other bug fixes and optimizations
New features:
1. Functionality to link the IGG account
2. Summer themed glyph set
3. Anima Lass skill enhancement: Enchanted Hammer
4. New hero costumes:
Pyriel: Heart Seeker Angle
Chiron: Star Stealer
Grand Sage: Savage Shooter
1. Despot Custodian Optimizations
2. Combat Shop Item
Adjustments 3. Alchemy Workshop Adjustments
4. Other Resolutions from bugs and optimizations
New Features:
1. Functionality to link the IGG account
2. Summer themed glyph set
3. Anima Lass skill enhancement: Enchanted Hammer
4. New Hero Costumes:
Pyriel: Angle Heart Seeker
Chiron: Thief of
Grand Sage stars : Savage Shooter
1. Despot Custodian optimizations
2. Combat Shop item
adjustments 3. Alchemy Workshop adjustments
4. Other bug fixes and optimizations
1. More Heroes to choose from during hiring x10 Heroes.
2. New items added to the Hero Card Shop and Alchemy Workshop.
3. New Hero - Anima Lass
4. New Event: Return Hall
5. New Skins:
Ember of Chaos- Frogman
Arcane Caster - Fantasy Summer
Ambrosia - Modern Mermaid
1. Improved Colosseum matchmaking rules
2. Added 20%SKill RED DMG and Skill DMG for guild bosses.
1. The packs page has been optimized.
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
New features:
1. Increased maximum hero and enlightenment levels.
2. Added the ability to convert memories for Magic Powder.
3. Skins of the new hero:
Shooting Star: Gothic Rose
Keeper of Time:
Priestess of Glory Games Championship : Priestess in Bloom
1. The packs page has been optimized.
2. Various bug fixes and optimizations.
1. New Event: Return to War
2. New Packs
3. New Skill Runes and Evolution Essences.
4. New Hero Costumes
Abyssal Demon: Crimson Shadow
Pan Goli: Strike Champion
Vegetock: Battlemech Combination
Optimization and Balance:
1. Fixed a bug related to the Arena (battle square).
2. Optimized various user interfaces and fixed various bugs.
New Content:
1. New Event: Return to War
2. New Packs
3. New Skill Runes and Evolution Essences.
4. New Hero Costumes
Abyss Demon: Crimson Shadow
Pan Goli: Strike Champion
Vegetock: Battlemech Combination
Optimization and Balance:
1. Fixed a bug related to the Arena (battle square).
2. Optimized various user interfaces and fixed various bugs.
New features:
1. New set of glyphs: Horn of Victory
2. New starting value packs
3. 7th Anniversary Statue
4. New Hero Costumes:
Xaphan: Duke of Fate
Arachne: Flower of Death
Morpho Nightmare: Abyssal Dreamer
1. Fixed a bug that caused Spearful Spear to give fewer attributes than it should.
2. Bugs fixed.
New Content:
1. New Aid Hero Effects: The higher an Aid Hero's Enlightenment Level, the more powerful their Aid Skill will be.
2. New Equipment: Devilish Dagger.
3. New Daily Value Pack.
4. Upgrade Skills (Enchant UI) added for Officer Reigndeer, Pyriel, Arachne, Chronokeeper, Chaos Ember, Nightmare Morpho, and Shooting Star.
5. New Hero Costumes
Enchantress: Scholar of Magic
Stormrider: Illusion Rider
Toxic Shaman: Shaman of Souls
New options:
1. New Glyph Effect: Glyph Resonance. The glyphs on Hero Aid affect Upgraded Heroes.
2. Swap between old and new building models.
3. New Hero: Shooting Star
4. New Hero Costumes:
Wolf Wolf: Primitive Wolf
Rath: Great Genius
1. Difficulty of Guild Bosses increased.
2. Various optimizations and bug fixes.
New options:
1. New Glyph Effect: Glyph Resonance. The glyphs on Hero Aid affect Upgraded Heroes.
2. Swap between old and new building models.
3. New Hero: Shooting Star
4. New Hero Costumes:
Wolf Wolf:
Primal Wolf Rath: Grand Genie
1. Guild Boss difficulty increased.
2. Various optimizations and bug fixes.
New Options:
1. New building: Ministry of Defense.
2. Maximum level of Town Hall increased to 21. Maximum levels of defense buildings and shields increased.
3. New Hero Costumes:
- Chronokeeper: Keeper of Time.
- Rennes hunter: Royal Guard.
- Air Elite: No.2077
1. Various bugs fixed and various optimizations carried out.
"1. New Feature: Hero Costume Store
2. New Hero: Morpheus Nightmare
3. New Glyph Set: Heavenly Blessings
4. New Hero Costume!
- Pyriel: Princess Valkyrie
- Penthesilea: Sea Delight
- Renee Ven: Shadow of the Depths
1. Rewards adjusted for Season Permit, packs for sale etc.
2. Bugs fixed. "
New options:
1. New Hero costume:
Xaphan: Vengeful Flames
Ironclad: Fort Breaker
Djinni: Prince of the Desert
2. Consecutive Connections Event
1. Various UI improvements
2. Various bug fixes
New options:
1. New hero: Ember of Chaos
2. New hero costume:
- Ambrosia: Mistress of Magic
- Guardian of the tides! Guardian Bushido
3. New Event: Toy Catcher
1. After maintenance, if an email is lost because your total emails exceed 200, it can be recovered if an email is deleted to make space within 7 days. The reward email will be lost for good if you delete the email after 7 days.
1. New training fields
2. New hero costumes
3. Bug fixes.
4. Improving Hero Skills
1. New events
2. New hero
3. New hero costume
4. Bug fixes
1. New events
2. New hero
3. New hero costume
4. Bug fixes
New features: 1. New
2. New building buffs
3. New hero costume
1. Improved user interfaces.
2. Bug fixes.
New: 1. New
2. New building reinforcement
3. New hero costume
1. Improved user interfaces.
2. Bug fixes.
New features:
1. New hero costume (obtained by Christmas-Cards)
2. New equipment: Confusing cane
3. New building reinforcement: open after building at level 25
1) New Event: Jam Jewels
2) New Hero Skin: Toxic Chamen - Fanatic Rock
3) New Glyph Set: Academic Arcana
4) Mortar Reinforcement unlocked.
1.Building Unlocked Building: Statue of Victory
1.The optimized store user interface.
2. Players will now receive a notification before the El Dorado or Solo campaign if their Gold safes are full.
3. Players will now receive a notification when their weekly season challenge points have reached their limit.
4. Increase the maximum number of Heroes that can be melted.
Thank you for your attention!
1.New equipment: Fiesta lance;
2. Hero Costume: Ghost Captain Penthésilie;
3.Strengthened reinforcement: Air Defense;
4. New Hero IV Enchantment skill: Piercing Attacks / Blocking Attacks;
5.New events: Lord's challenge;
6. Mind Fragments can now be used for cleaning;
1.New equipment: Fiesta lance;
2. Hero Costume: Ghost Captain Penthésilie;
3.Strengthened reinforcement: Air Defense;
4. New Hero IV Enchantment skill: Piercing Attacks / Blocking Attacks;
5.New events: Lord's challenge;
6. Mind Fragments can now be used for cleaning;
1.New series of glyphs: 5th Anniversary Party
2.New basic theme: Carnival
3. Added upgrades for the following basic themes, enhancing theme props to enhance the defense capabilities of the city:
A) Sustainable prosperity
B) Snowy mountains
C) Carnival
1.New series of glyphs: 5th Anniversary Party
2.New basic theme: Carnival
3. Added upgrades for the following basic themes, enhancing theme props to enhance the defense capabilities of the city:
A) Sustainable prosperity
B) Snowy mountains
C) Carnival
1. Unlocked Spiritual Awakening for Lightning Bomber.
2.Added Enchantment Skills (IU of Enchantment) for Tide Guardian and Xaphan.
3.New upgrade system for Guild Bot.
4.Event of Valentine's Day
a) Friend Point System added.
b) Earn friend points to earn fantastic rewards and unlock exclusive frames and avatars.
1.New Hero: Reindeer Hunter
2.New event: Fleeing Snowman
3.New Event: Back to the Party
1. Unlocked Spiritual Awakening for Glorious Priestess and Hard Head.
2. Added Enchantment Skills (Enchantment IU) for Penthilean and Mistress Devil.
3. Changes to the Despot Deposit
a) Optimized Matchmaking
b) Adding revenge battles
c) Reduction of maximum energy
d) Rewards adjusted for Bonus Missions
1. New function: Refinement of equipment
2. New function: Equipment Showcase
3. Added new Royal Battle stages: Malice Institute, Twisted Maze, and Hell Passage.
4. Increase the Guild Workshop level ceiling. Improve the effectiveness of Transmutation of Guild members.
1.New Hero: Xaphan (Exclusive Event)
2. New feature: Infernal Reserve
1.The portraits of heroes are now displayed according to the order of their formation. The UI of the hero room optimized.
2. The UI of Optimized Rankings
3. Update the merchandise of the guild shop.
1. New function: Despot filing
2. Unlocked Spiritual Awakening for Malygosse and Elite Air
3. New function: Avatars and Frames of the Lord.
1.Interface ranking reorganized and improved.
2. Colosseum Rewards Adjusted.
3. Battle Square Hour Adjustment.
4. Added more hero options and affiliations for the Legend Hall.
1.New Hero: Tide Guardian
2.Add Participation Point System for Battle Square.
3. New event: Despot filing
1. New Equipment: Curse Staff
2. New set of glyphs: Football Party
3. New Function: Hall of Legends
1. The window of the event optimized.
2. The user interface of the optimized event. Events are now divided into tabs.
3. The notification of the guild recovery time added.
1. Increase Hero's Maximum Level:
1) Heroes can now reach level 220.
2) Heroes of level 200 with 25 levels of Spiritual Awakening can use Crystal Epiphany to increase their maximum level.
3) "Guild Retreat" is now available in the Guild Base.
4) Send Heroes with 25 Spiritual Awakening Levels to Meditate in the Guild Retreat to earn Epiphany Crystals.
1. Master Masont Weekly Event
1) Addition of Mason's Statue.
2) Add Mason Master Ranking.
3) Guild members who contribute to their Guild Base will receive ranking points.
2. Spiritual Awakening is unlocked for Pyrotank and Demon Slayer.
3. Added new Enchantment skills for Pyrotank and Glorious Priestess.
4. Added Level 4 Enchantment skills.
1. Master Masont Weekly Event
1) Addition of Mason's Statue.
2) Add Mason Master Ranking.
3) Guild members who contribute to their Guild Base will receive ranking points.
2. Spiritual Awakening is unlocked for Pyrotank and Demon Slayer.
3. Added new Enchantment skills for Pyrotank and Glorious Priestess.
4. Added Level 4 Enchantment skills.
1. Master Masont Weekly Event
1) Addition of Mason's Statue.
2) Add Mason Master Ranking.
3) Guild members who contribute to their Guild Base will receive ranking points.
2. Spiritual Awakening is unlocked for Pyrotank and Demon Slayer.
3. Added new Enchantment skills for Pyrotank and Glorious Priestess.
4. Added Level 4 Enchantment skills.
1.Base of Guild:
1) Guilds can now build bases.
2) Guild Members must work together to build / upgrade the Guild Base Buildings.
3) Guild Members may purchase items from their Guild Store after construction.
2. Spiritual awakening is unlocked for Hydrasaur.
3. A continuation of Glyph of Anniversary.
News: 1.The Spiritual Awakening is unlocked for Hydrasaur. 2.New Event: The Chosen a) Choose a Hydrasaur to participate in the Event. b) Increase the level of spiritual awakening of Hydrasaur during the event to gain rewards.
News: 1.The Spiritual Awakening is unlocked for Amarok. 2. Amarok and Malygosse receive a new enchantment attribute. optimizations 1. Adjust the user interface of the shop. 2. Optimization of matchmaking at Collisée. 3. Automatic combat option added to the guild boss. 4. You can now collect all Royal Battle rewards with one click.
News: 1. A new hero, Diablotin Mistress, joins the clash! 2. Adding a new set of Glyphs, The Winter Alliance: 3.Adjustment of the Lordlympia Games: a) The next 64 top guilds that have not qualified for the Lordlympia Summit will automatically qualify for the Lordlympia Warriors. optimizations: 1.Square of Battle: a) New Battle Square tasks added. 3. New Cards available in the Demon Treasure.
News: 1. A new hero, Diablotin Mistress, joins the clash! 2. Adding a new set of Glyphs, The Winter Alliance: 3.Adjustment of the Lordlympia Games: a) The next 64 top guilds that have not qualified for the Lordlympia Summit will automatically qualify for the Lordlympia Warriors. optimizations: 1.Square of Battle: a) New Battle Square tasks added. 3. New Cards available in the Demon Treasure.
News: 1. A new hero, Diablotin Mistress, joins the clash! 2. Adding a new set of Glyphs, The Winter Alliance: 3.Adjustment of the Lordlympia Games: a) The next 64 top guilds that have not qualified for the Lordlympia Summit will automatically qualify for the Lordlympia Warriors. optimizations: 1.Square of Battle: a) New Battle Square tasks added. 3. New Cards available in the Demon Treasure.
News: 1.The spiritual awakening will be unlocked for Lycano. 2. Added New Feature, Lordlympia Quiz. 3. Advantages of the new city treaty: optimizations 1. Optimization of groupings for "United Guild". 2. Displays an exclamation mark on the Leaderboards tabs when rewards are available. 3. New items in Battle Square Store.
News: 1. A new icon, the Lordlympia Games, comes to conflict! Challenge Lordlympia Ascended, and Lordlympia Summit when the countdown ends! 2. Spiritual Awakening Unlocked for Sapphirix. optimizations: 1. New items in the Battle Square store. 2. Improvement of the interface of << Cast of Heroes >> 3. Lycano, Pyrotank and Amarok can now be melted.
News: 1. New Hero, Penthésilie, joins the Clash! 2. Unlocked spiritual awakening for Djinni. 3. New daily packs added. optimizations: 1. Add Mutagen to the Arena Rewards. 2. New Items in Battle Square Store (only available after the reset of the season).
News: 1. Added New Event: Return of Lords. optimizations: 1.Adjustment of victory conditions for the Coliseum; 2.Optimizations of Glyph; 3. All Epic Heroes will receive a new attribute of Enchantment; 4. Reward Optimizations for Combat Modes; 5. Tap any gold mine to collect the resource from all gold mines instantly (unlocked when City Hall reaches Lvl 11).
News: 1. Added New Event: Return of Lords. optimizations: 1.Adjustment of victory conditions for the Coliseum; 2.Optimizations of Glyph; 3. All Epic Heroes will receive a new attribute of Enchantment; 4. Reward Optimizations for Combat Modes; 5. Tap any gold mine to collect the resource from all gold mines instantly (unlocked when City Hall reaches Lvl 11).
News: 1.Rath is unlocked for Spiritual Awakening. 2.New Characteristic of Glyph. optimizations: 1. New items in Battle Square Shop. 2. Bot Guild and Chariot Guild will not be prioritized by Malygosse's active skill. 3. Maximum PV increase of Buildings in the Colosseum.